Welcome to Fatherhood: New Dads and Dads-to-Be
Becoming a parent is an exciting time, but it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and apprehensive!
It can help to have a game plan to feel prepared. Of course once baby arrives everything can (and probably will) change, so a willingness to adapt and go with the flow is key.
Do some research – whether it’s reading baby books to talking to mates who are already Dads, it helps to have some knowledge of what’s to come.
Be a team with your co-parent, that could mean going together to antenatal classes, attending doctor appointments, and/or learning about birth plans.
Think about lightening your co-parent’s load by taking on some of the key tasks in preparing for the new arrival:
- Research and choose an infant car seat, and learn how to correctly install it. This one’s an essential that you’ll need to take baby home from the hospital. Dimples stores have trained Car Seat Technicians who can help with installing car seats purchased from us.
- Prepare baby’s room. Consider where baby will sleep – in a bassinet or cot? Even if they’ll be in your room at first, it’s a good idea to work on baby’s room and put together any furniture ahead of their arrival. If you think you’re short on time now – just wait!
- Baby-proof your home. It’ll be quite a while before your baby is exploring and getting into things, but when they do reach that stage it can happen without much warning. So it’s a good idea to consider home hazards and baby-proof before baby’s due date.
- Stock up on the essentials so you’re well prepared even if baby comes early. Consider things like nappies, wipes, swaddles and enough baby clothes so you’re not always having to do laundry.
- Pre-plan some meals for those full-on newborn days. This might mean doubling recipes in the lead up to baby’s arrival and freezing half or investigating the many meal planning/delivery options on offer.
- Work together on a plan for visitors. Some first-time parents find it overwhelming to have a lot of visitors and it can make for awkward conversations. It’s easier to ask for no visitors and then make exceptions if you feel up to it, rather than have to turn people away!
Once your baby arrives it’s important for Dads to be involved. If your co-parent is breastfeeding, it can feel like you’re not needed but there are so many things you can take charge of from nappy changes to bath time, bedtime stories to silly songs.
Learn to swaddle like a pro – this is comforting for a newborn, and can help them sleep better. Another great way for you to bond, is getting a baby carrier so you can easily cuddle and comfort baby while getting things done.
Most importantly, try to have fun while you figure out this whole parenting thing (and build up that repertoire of Dad jokes!).
Remember to take lots of photos and video – while the long nights may seem never-ending, it is just a season and one day you’ll look back and wonder where the time went.